
De La Soul’s catalog coming to streaming


De La Soul announced Tuesday during an Instagram Live that their music will be released on streaming.

“We have finally come down to a deal between ourselves and Reservoir Media to release our music in 2021,” group member Dave “Trugoy” Jolicoeur said. “Our catalog will be released this year, we are working diligently with the good folks at Reservoir, and we sat down with them and got it done pretty quickly actually.”

Reservoir Media acquired the trio’s former label, Tommy Boy, and the news means fans’ long-awaited wish for albums like “3 Feet High and Rising” and “De La Soul Is Dead” to be available for streaming is coming to pass.

De La Soul, made up of Jolicoeur, Kelvin “Posdnuos” Mercer and Vincent “Maseo” Mason, were pioneers in the genre of alternative rap.

In 2006 they won a Grammy for best pop collaboration with vocals for their work with artist Gorillaz on the single “Feel Good Inc.”


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