How To

How to get to argus

How to get to argus in the World of Warcraft? If you are wondering the same, you are in the right place. Stay within the article to find out how to get to Argus. Argus is the place of origin of Eredar –once utopian and progressive, however after being possessed by dark, demonic energies, it is home of the Burning Legion. Let’s get straight into you.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to get to argus.

How to get to argus in the world of Warcraft?

  • You must reach character level 45. 
  • Accept the Argus introduction quest from Archmage Khadgar by visiting Violet Citadel.
  • Next, Visit Stormwind harbor to catch up with the escort on a ship.
  • Speak with Vereesa Windrunner to set the ship to sail and go to the next quest.
  • As soon as you show up at the Vault of Lights, meet Prophet Velen, and after talking with him, get on the Vindicaar space vessel that heads to Argus.
  • Talk to Grand Artificer Romuul at Vinidcaar to get off the ship – you are now in Argus.

The next question is:

How to Get Back to Argus in World of Warcraft?

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Once you know how to get to Argus, we will take a look at how to get back at argus in World of Warcraft.

  • After disembarking the Vindicaar at Argus, you must combat three Legion devastators, kill 12 demons, and heal eight Felbound Drudges.
  • After you have defeated the enemies, talk to Prophet Velen at the Crown of Destruction to go to the next quest.
  • Eliminate the siege weapon and get back to Prophet Velen.
  • Next, Look out for any signs of Legion slave resistance against their masters, then head over to the Krokul Hotel to again speak to Prophet Velen.
  • Follow Prophet Velen to meet High Exarch Turalyon and go to the next quest.
  • With the help of Signal Crystal, Invoke a Lightforged Beacon from the Vindicaar.
  • Make a portal between Dalaran and Argus with the help of Lightforged Beacon for future use.

How to Get to Argus as Alliance in World of Warcraft?

Getting to Argus as Alliance is identical to getting to Argus as Horde with the only difference being some allies and dialogues.

  • You must reach character level 45. 
  • Accept the Argus introduction quest from Archmage Khadgar by visiting Violet Citadel.
  • Next, Visit Stormwind harbor to catch up with the escort on a ship.
  • Speak with Vereesa Windrunner to set the ship to sail and go to the next quest.
  • As soon as you show up at the Vault of Lights, meet Prophet Velen, and after talking with him, get on the Vindicaar space vessel that heads to Argus.
  • Talk to Grand Artificer Romuul at Vinidcaar to get off the ship – you are now in Argus.

How to Start the Argus Campaign in Warcraft?

Before learning how to get to Argus, Players need to complete an introductory quest of the game. To discover the quest, you will need to do the following steps:

  • Go to Violet Citadel in Dalaran and address Archmage Khadgar. 
  • Complete the Uniting the Isles quest. 
  • Finish the Armies of Legionfall journey at the Krasus Landing.
  • After completing the Assault on the Broken Shore quest, get back to the Violet Citadel and address Khadgar once again. 
  • Accept The Hand of Fate – Argus Introductory Quest.

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Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Who Are Members of the Burning Legion?

Part races of the Burning Legion are boundless – Titans, Man’ari, Eredar, Wrathguards, Nathrezim, Annihilan, Doomguards, Doomlords, Mo’arg, Shivarra, and some more. 

They’re generally warlocks – spell-casters that can call insidious gofers. The Army has a specific chain of significance. Thus, Eredars have become overlords of the Legion. Pit rulers are officials and overseers. Doomguards are commandants, marines, and military pioneers. Felguards are generally troopers, and so forth.

How to get Back to Argus From Stormwind?

Vereesa Windrunner and Prophet Velen can help you go to Argus from Stormwind. Meet Vereesa at Stormwind Harbor and sail together to the Vault of Lights. There, you’ll meet Prophet Velen and board the Vindicaar, a spaceship bound for Argus.

How to get to Argus wow?

Getting to Argus astonishingly easy – just simply follow the primary questline. You need to acknowledge the Argus presentation journey from Archmage Khadgar at the Violet Citadel. Then, at that point, head to the Stormwind harbor to meet Vereesa Windrunner. 

You should catch up with your partners and sail to the Vault of Lights. Here you will meet Prophet Velen and he will offer to board the Vindicaar. Do it, then, at that point converse with Grand Artificer Romuul to land the vessel – well done, you’re currently in Argus.

How to get to argus from Dalaran?

To transport to Argus, you need to build up an entryway between Argus and Dalaran. After you land the Vindicaar at Argus, you need to crush three Legion devastators, kill 12 evil spirits, and mend eight Felbound Drudges. In the wake of overcoming the foes, converse with Prophet Velen at the Crown of Destruction, then, at that point, annihilate the attack weapon.

The following thing Prophet Velen will request that you do is to discover indications of Legion slave obstruction against their lords. Then, at that point, you should follow Prophet Velen to meet High Exarch Turalyon. Subsequently, with the assistance of Signal Crystal, summon a Lightforged Beacon from the Vindicaar. Use it’s anything but a gateway among Dalaran and Argus that you can utilize any time. 

How to unlock Argus?

Firstly you need to complete the quest “Joining the Isles” from Khadgar in Dalaran’s Violet Citadel.

Next, you need to complete the quest “Multitudes of Legionfall” at Krasus’ Landing in Dalaran, and also from Khadgar.

Lastly, complete the relatively quick scenario “Assault on Broken Shore”.

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