How to Get to Mechagon as an alliance or horde. With the introduction of Mechagon to the map, players can enjoy new gaming experiences. And with this new introduction, the question of How to Get to Mechagon has come to the surface as well. This article is a rundown on How to Get to Mechagon.
You have to complete the achievement by starting your journey through Nazjatar.
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How to get to Nazjatar?
Nazjatar appears in World of Warcraft’s Battle for Azeroth storyline, but there are specific prerequisites that must be met before venturing forth.
This includes having at least level 50 and being friendly with a variety of factions. This covers Storm’s Wake, Proudmoore Admiralty, and Order of the Embers for the Alliance. Voldunai, Zandalari Empire, and Talanji’s Expedition make up for the Horde.
After gaining a friendly reputation with these factions and reaching level 50, players will receive their faction’s mission, which will take them to Nazjatar.
“The Wolf’s Offensive” will be given to the Alliance, while “The Warchief’s Order” will be given to the Horde. Except for the differing reasons for visiting the zone, the tasks become largely similar for both factions after that. Following the questline will allow players to enter Nazjatar for the first time.
Step by step guide on How to Get to Mechagon
First Step
Complete the achievement ‘The Heart Forge’ before you can unlock the starting quest that gets you to Mechagon.
You have to complete the achievement by starting your journey through Nazjatar until you open a portal to Dazar´alor/Boralus.
Once completed, a Magni pops up in that area, the Magni will give you a starting quest in which you end up with the achievement “The Heart Forge”.Use the minimap to discover new quests in nearby areas.
Both Alliance and Horde have NFC that begins a quest that gets you to Mechagon.
Second Step
For the second step on how to get to Mechagon, you must do the starting quest in Newhome (Horde) or Mezzamere (Alliance). Once you have completed this, you get the reward “Unlock World Quests“.
Third Step
Now, this is the time when you must head to Mechagon.
How to Get to Mechagon: Horde
A horde player has to head to Dazar´alor in Zuldazar. Next, Run to the Flight master, called Gazlowe, and you will see goblins further away. Check minimap and if you see an exclamation mark, that is your new quest; complete it. ‘The Legend of Mechagon‘ is the starting quest.
How to Get to Mechagon: Alliance
An alliance player has to head to Boralus in Tiragard. Next, Run next to the Flight master, called Tinkmaster Overspark and you will see goblins next to it as shown in the picture. Check minimap and if you see an exclamation mark, that is your new quest; complete it. ‘The Legend of Mechagon’ is the starting quest. That was an easy guide on How to Get to Mechagon.
How to Get to Mechagon Back?
To get back to Mechagon, Talk to Captain Krogg and head to the point you took the boat to Mechagon.
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