How To

How to make lanterns in Minecraft

How to make lanterns in Minecraft using iron nuggets and a torch? If you are tired of seeing torches everywhere then making a lantern will be a nice alternative. Lantern is one of the brightest lighting sources in Minecraft and it also serves as a good decoration material.

Lanterns are pretty simple to make, but you can’t place them on walls like a torch. There are two types of lanterns: a regular lantern and a soul lantern. Let’s get straight into learning how to make lanterns in Minecraft.

Making a Lantern in Minecraft

How to make lanterns in Minecraft

Before we get into how to make lanterns in Minecraft, note down the materials required for this recipe.

For making a lantern in Minecraft you require:

  • 1 Torch
  • 8 Iron Nuggets

Step by step guide on how to make a lantern in Minecraft

Step 1: Craft a Torch

Before you can head to make a lantern, you must craft a lantern first.

Step 2: Get a Crafting Grid

First thing first, open a Crafting table so that you have access to a  3×3 crafting grid that looks like the picture below.

Step 3: Now add items in the crafting grid to make a lantern

In the crafting menu, place 1 torch and 8 nuggets in the crafting area that is made up of a 3×3 crafting grid. When you craft anything in Minecraft, you ought to be careful with the placement of items in the grid. Otherwise, you do not get your desired products. There should be three iron nuggets in the first row.

There should be one iron nugget in the first box, one torch in the second box, and one iron nugget in the third box on the second row. There should be three iron nuggets on the third row. Once the grid is completed in the correct pattern, the lantern will appear in the box to the right. This is the recipe on how to make lanterns in Minecraft.

Step 4: Transfer the lantern to inventory

Once you are done with crafting a lantern, move it to the inventory.

How to make lanterns in Minecraft- Summary 

Let’s quickly sum up how to make lanterns in Minecraft; To craft a lantern, fill the 3×3 crafting grid with 1 torch and 8 iron nuggets. Fill the rest of the grid with 8 iron nuggets and place a torch in the center. Simply move the lantern into your inventory once it has been crafted.

Frequently Asked Questions FAQs:

How to make lanterns in Minecraft java?

The process is the same: To craft a lantern, fill the 3×3 crafting grid with 1 torch and 8 iron nuggets. Fill the rest of the grid with 8 iron nuggets and place a torch in the center. Simply move the lantern into your inventory once it has been crafted.

How to make iron nuggets in Minecraft?

To make an iron nugget you need to place 1 iron ingot in the 3×3 crafting grid. The iron ingot must be placed at the center of the grid.

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