How To

How to split screen on Chromebook

How to split screen on Chromebook to help you get work done easier and less messy particularly when you are multitasking. It is easier to visualize both screens at the same to get off the hectic task of switching back and forth on different screens or tabs. Here is an easy guide on how to split screen on Chromebook.

Split Screens on Chromebook

To use the split-screen feature on Chromebook you need to launch the two apps you want to see at the same time. Then you drag them to the two halves of the screen that correspond to them. It is easier to visualize both screens at the same to get off the hectic task of switching back and forth between different screens or tabs on your computer. This is how to split screen on Chromebook.

Setting up Split screen on Chromebook

It’s very simple to set up on a Chromebook. The computer will handle resizing the two windows for you if you complete the procedures correctly.

Here is an easy method on how to split screen on Chromebook:

Use the Minimize/Restore button

Open your first app and use the minimize button on the top right corner of the window.

Drag the window to either side of the screen — a vertical line will appear in the center of the screen, at which time you should release the window so it will fit into that half of the screen automatically.

Drag the app to adjust it where you wish it to be on the screen.

Now, Open the second app you wish to add to your screen and click the window minimize button on the top right corner. Drag the second app to the opposite side of the screen and release it when the opposite half of the screen turns grey. How to split screen on Chromebook could be done with using keyboard shortcut keys as well.

How to split screen on Chromebook using keyboard shortcut keys?

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How to split screen on Chromebook – Shortcut 1

There is a shortcut to use split screen on Chromebook. You can divide your tabs exactly to the left or right by pressing ALT + the left or right bracket key [ or ]. However, you must first drag one tab out of the Chrome browser.

How to split screen on Chromebook – Shortcut 2

You may always use the toggle function if you have trouble seeing both screens when divided. This enables you to easily toggle (or switch back and forth) between your apps. Simply hold down the CTRL key while pressing the TAB key. These were two commonly used how to split screen on Chromebook shortcut keys.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’S)

How to split screen on Chromebook shortcut keys

There are two shortcut keys: 1. CTRL+TAB 2. ALT + [ or ]

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