
Tips On Hosting Educational Events

Educational Events

Educational events usually go one of two ways, they will be successful and people will go away having learned something, or your target audience will have got bored and not taken in the information you wanted them to. It’s important to find some tricks to educate your audience and make sure they enjoy the event as much as possible. Here are some ways we believe you can maximise education, engagement and generally get people coming back to your events in the future. 

Make information exciting 

Nobody is going to take in new educational information if it is presented in a boring PowerPoint presentation explained in a monotone voice. The key is to make the information exciting and stand out, this can be achieved with props or just generally presenting facts and figures in stimulating ways. Why not get extra and hire some giant inflatables to attract more people to your business? 

It’s worth going all out to show how passionate you are about getting your audience educated. There are lots of different types of giant inflatables you can buy, or hire to maximise engagement and interest in your business. Depending on what you are trying to sell or inform people about, there is a range of different inflatable options online, including planet inflatables, animal inflatables, arches for events, and many more. If you can’t find anything suitable for your industry, you can always create your own inflatable with your logo and branding, some inflatable companies will provide this service for you. 

Focus on engagement from your target audience

It can be easy to think about what you would enjoy when attending events but remember it is not about you, it’s about your target audience. Focus on ways to get your audience working with each other, you could set them tasks to complete in pairs or small groups or ask them questions. The more engaged they are, the most they will learn and hopefully remember. 

You should also make sure the information you’re sharing is fun and at the same time educational, don’t be afraid to crack jokes and liven things up. Tell stories and be personable, this way your audience will trust you and will want to know more about what you have to say. It’s important to be approachable when presenting to audiences so they will feel comfortable asking you questions. 

Direct individuals to your social media platforms 

When you have finished hosting your educational event, you don’t want people to leave and forget you, and what they have learned. Let people know where they can go to find more educational information from your business, give out flyers with your social media handles and contact details. You can also use inflatables or print marketing with text in bright bold colours to present your website name or any other information people can use to find you after leaving the event. 

Now you have some top tips on how to get your target audience enjoying your educational events, you will be a pro at hosting. Good luck organising your next event, we hope you can use some of these tips to optimise engagement and enjoyment! 

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